Laguna Beach Landscapes ~ Mentor Paint Along

Crescent Pay Point Park Laguna Beach

Adult landscape painters will improve skills by painting alongside LPAPA Signature Artist Anthony Salvo, Gil Dellinger and other artist/mentors. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small break-out groups […]

Watercolors with Sandra Jones Campbell~registration closed, please email to be placed on a wait list

Laguna Beach Community and Susi Q senior center 380 Third Street, Laguna Beach

Two Day Workshop: Wednesdays March 20 & 27, 2019 from 1:00 - 4:00pm In this watercolor class, we will be using a wet on wet style, with vintage black and white photos (supplied by artist) we will supply arches paper, prang or crayola water colors, and one big fat brush (the size of your thumb)! […]

Members: $30

Art Club ~ Civic Arts District Murals

The Hive 805-856 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach

This talk beginning in the beloved Kitchen in the Canyon will focus on the murals commissioned and executed at The Hive last summer. We will hear about the curation of […]

Laguna Beach Landscapes ~ Mentor Paint Along

Crescent Pay Point Park Laguna Beach

Adult landscape painters will improve skills by painting alongside LPAPA Signature Artist Anthony Salvo and other artist/mentors. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small break-out groups and will […]

Laguna Beach Landscapes — Watercolors on the Beach


April 14, 2019 from 10:00am - 11:30am Explore and learn about local tide pools and conservation efforts. Participants will learn how to create their own color renderings of local sea […]

Members: $35