Laguna Beach Landscapes ~ Mentor Paint Along

Crescent Pay Point Park Laguna Beach

Adult landscape painters will improve skills by painting alongside LPAPA Signature Artist Anthony Salvo and other artist/mentors. Participants will have the opportunity to work in small break-out groups and will receive a sketchbook. Free, no registration required, free street parking. (949) 376-3635. Location: Crescent Bay Point Park LPAPA Signature Artists:Anthony Salvo Supported by a […]

Art and Sea ~ Paint a Curling Wave with Mary Gulino- email to register

Pacific Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach

The workshop includes a docent led tour of the Center and a close up view of seals and sea lions. Following the tour, artist Mary Gulino will teach a liquid acrylic painting workshop where she will guide you through a simple painting of a curling wave beginning to crash. You will take home your work. […]

Laguna Beach Landscapes — Watercolors on the Beach


April 14, 2019 from 10:00am - 11:30am Explore and learn about local tide pools and conservation efforts. Participants will learn how to create their own color renderings of local sea life with a step by step demonstration of various watercolor techniques taught by a LOCA artist. All students receive an art package that includes a […]

Members: $35

ART CLUB ~ Open Critiques

LCAD Gallery 374 Ocean Avene, Laguna Beach

Artists are invited to bring in works for helpful discussion and supportive feedback from Betty Shelton, Chair of the Post-Baccalaureate Program and instructor at Laguna College of Art and Design, and other professional panelists. As always we will have refreshments and hors d'oeuvres at this lively and informed discussion! Metered parking on the street. Free […]

Alcohol Inks with Joy Vansell~Class sold out, Please email to be placed on a wait list.

Laguna Beach Community and Susi Q senior center 380 Third Street, Laguna Beach

Two Day Workshop: Wednesdays May 1 & 8, 2019 from 1:00 - 4:00pm We will be creating intuitively with alcohol inks.We will learn how this medium acts and reacts by experimenting with various application techniques. This class is held on two consecutive Wednesdays in the Art Room of the Susi Q. Teacher: Joy Vansell Fee: […]

Members: $30

Alcohol Inks with Joy Vansell~Class sold out, Please email to be placed on a wait list.

Laguna Beach Community and Susi Q senior center 380 Third Street, Laguna Beach

Two Day Workshop: Wednesdays May 1 & 8, 2019 from 1:00 - 4:00pm We will be creating intuitively with alcohol inks.We will learn how this medium acts and reacts by experimenting with various application techniques. This class is held on two consecutive Wednesdays in the Art Room of the Susi Q. Teacher: Joy Vansell Fee:(May […]

Members: $30

Art and Sea Lions ~ Paint a Sea Lion with September McGee~Class sold out – email to be placed on a wait list

Pacific Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach

Join LOCA at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center for a workshop that includes a docent led tour of the facility. After the tour learn to paint a seal lion on synthetic (non-tree based) paper as taught by September McGee. "This paper is non-absorbent and the paint sits on top of the surface," said McGee. "This […]

Laguna Beach Landscapes ~ Watercolors on the Beach with September McGee


May 12, 2019 from 10:00am - 11:30am Explore and learn about local tide pools and conservation efforts. Participants will learn how to create their own color renderings of local sea life with a step by step demonstration of various watercolor techniques taught by a LOCA artist. All students receive an art package that includes a […]

Members: $35